Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This Is Exactly What Cardinal Rode Was Talking About

From Cardinal Rode's homily Link (here)
May those who, according to your legislation, have to oversee the doctrine of your magazines and publications do so in the light of and according to the “rules for sentire cum ecclesia”, with love and respect.

From America Magazine
How Theology Moves Along
By Sidney Callahan (here)

...........Today in the evolving theological story, contentious discussions are focused on the saving role of other religions. Cardinal Dulles refrains from detailing the still undecided ins and outs of the current fray, and concludes his essay with the hopeful words, "Perhaps some will reach the goal of their search only at the moment of death."
But why, it may be asked, should the Church's progressive journey toward greater inclusion not continue? I am inspired by another great Jesuit, Jacques Dupuis' work. He affirms that the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Word of God is "decisive" and "unsurpassable," but not "exhaustive." God's creativity is inexhaustible and works always and everywhere--in and out of human hearts and in other religions........

Read more (here)

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