Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bold Statement Made By Australian Jesuit

Sydney Catholic College Quits "Amnesty" This Week
Jesuit headmaster of Sydney's St Aloysius College has confirmed that his school will sever its ties with Amnesty International. This follows the decision of the international human rights organisation to support limited abortion rights. But Fr Chris Middleton stressed that the school would not be giving up on human rights. Its Amnesty group would continue advocacy work under the a new name. It will be known as the Benenson Society, after Amnesty's British Catholic founder Peter Benenson. Fr Middleton explained that abortion differs from other issues contrary to Catholic teaching such as gay rights. He said, abortion "explicitly excludes some of the most vulnerable members of society - the 'unborn human' - from its campaigns for human rights".

Link (here)
About their organ (here)

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