Monday, December 10, 2007

Phan Say's Don't Evangelize, Maybe Phan Should Be Jettisoned From Georgetown?

Book on interfaith relations by theologian differs from Roman Catholic teaching
Roman Catholic teaching has not got much in common with a book on interfaith relations by a Georgetown University theologian. The Rev. Peter C. Phan, in his book "Being Religious Interreligiously: Asian Perspectives on Interfaith Dialogue," writes that the terms "unique" and "absolute" when referring to Christ may "have outlived their usefulness and should be jettisoned," the doctrine panel said.
book on interfaith relations(
Phan also wrote that religious pluralism "'may not and must not be abolished' by conversion to Christianity," the committee said. That assertion is in conflict with Christ's commission to the church to evangelize the world, the panel said. Phan, a priest in the Diocese of Dallas, declined to comment Monday. He teaches Catholic social thought at Georgetown, which is a Jesuit school in Washington. The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the doctrinal watchdog for the church, asked the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to evaluate the book. The bishops' Doctrine Committee spent two years on the review, asking Phan to explain his writing. But the panel said that Phan "did not provide the needed clarifications," so the panel issued the statement Monday to warn Catholics and others that the book could be misleading. No other action by the committee was announced. Julie Green Bataille, a Georgetown spokeswoman, said in a statement that Phan and the school's other faculty have "a long and distinguished tradition" of writing on complex religious issues, and the school "embraces academic freedom and supports the free exchange of ideas."
Link (here)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Fr. Phan is a priest of Dallas.
There are other priests like him teaching outside their dioceses - and for years.
We really should wonder why such priests are allowed to teach in universities outside their diocese when priests are need in the parishes back home.
Could it be that their bishops want to keep them away from the people?
Nevertheless, when their priests (ex. Curran) become manifest heretics, you would hope the bishops would have the guts to act.

Anonymous said...

Anon - tell that to the Bishop of Bridgeport. Every time Fr. Richard McBrien pontificates, one must wonder if the bishop is 1) glad he is not in Connecticut 2) glad people mistakenly think McB is a Holy Cross Father 3) tempted to re-assign him to Antarctica.

Maybe all of the above.

Father Phan definately has an interesting take on "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." I think I like the old take better. Were it not for the "old take" "my people" would still be worshipping... Eh, do I have to say?

Anonymous said...

a simple sinner -
Thanks for pointing out Fr. Richard McBrien is from Bridgeport.
I had been thinking of dissenter Fr. Charles Curran who (I may be, and hope I am mistaken) is still in good standing with the diocese of Rochester.
Frs. Joseph Komonchak and John Meier are both of New York. I don't know enough to label them as dissenters, but they do push the envelope and I believe they haven't had an archdiocesan assignment in years.

Is there any site listing all such diocesan priests in-good-standing teaching outside their dioceses?