Friday, May 9, 2014

Abortion, John Kerry And Jim Crow

Boston College, which has invited Secretary of State John Kerry, who was a consistent proponent of legal abortion and same-sex marriage during his years in the US Senate; Holy Cross, which invited Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy, also an advocate of legal abortion and same-sex marriage; Loyola University in Chicago, which invited White House speechwriter Jon Favreau, who has compared defense of traditional marriage to enforcement of Jim Crow laws
Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. Whatever has happened to this once GREAT order of priest's? Both of my sons and a grandson went to Jesuit schools and received excellent educations. These speaking engagements are anathema to our Catholic beliefs and should be stopped by the school administrations. If not they should be dealt with the same way as the University in Peru. In various courses at these Jesuit schools, I see no harm in talking about these subjects in trying to be academically honest. Suppose I need to include the Jesuit order in my daily prayers. I daily go by a Jesuit Retreat Center and ask St. Ignatius to pray for my family, will now add a request to pray for the Order.


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