Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Work Of The Apostleship Of Prayer In 1948

Some 60 Jesuit priests, summoned from every part of the world, have been in conference in Rome for a week, discussing the work of the Apostleship of Prayer, the League of the Sacred Heart. The meetings were presided over by the Father-General of the Society of Jesus, who is the Director of the Apostleship.  Among those present were an ex-inmate of Dachau concentration camp, Fr. Leo de Coninek, and Fr. P. Eugene Murphy, the originator of the famous Sacred Heart programme. the 143 minutes' religious feature on the American radio, now carried by 513 stations,. totalling 1.539 broadcasts per week. This programme can be heard on Vatican Radio every Friday at 7.15 (Summer 7 ime) on 31.06 and 19.87 metres wavelength. Also present were Fathers who have organised the Men's League of the Sacred Heart in Belgium, with remarkable success. The delegates and Fr. Leonard Boase, S.J., National Secretary of the Apostolate in England were received in audience by the Holy Father at Castelgandolfo, on Saturday, September 25.
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