Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Pope Francis Effect

A year after Pope Francis’ election, one of the first measurable “Francis effects” may be emerging. The Jesuits, officially known as the Society of Jesus, have seen a 65 percent increase in inquiries from men seeking to join their religions order, according to the Jesuit Conference based in Washington D.C. For many Jesuit vocations directors across the country, that is a dramatic increase from what they were used to under the years of Benedict and previous popes.
The new wave of interest in the order, founded in 1540 and known for its commitment to service, social justice and education, represents a dramatic increase from what vocation directors were used to under the years of Benedict and previous popes.
“They’ve certainly been the largest numbers that I’ve seen in my time in this job,” said The Rev. Charles Frederico, who runs the Jesuit’s east coast vocations office, which stretches from Maine to Georgia
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1 comment:

  1. Maybe this is part of God's providence... Perhaps the Society will, at long last, be converted to Catholicism ;)


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