Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fr. John Hardon, S.J., " Communion In The Hand—I Wish To Repeat And Make As Plain As I Can—Is A Weakening, A Conscious, Deliberate Weakening Of Faith In The Real Presence"

"We were at concelebrated Mass with the Holy Father, and we were absolutely forbidden to give Communion in the hands. Communion in the hand, Communion in the hand began, in the hand, with the publication of the Dutch Catechism with nobody's permission except the bishops—in effect, in principle separated themselves from the Holy See. One country after another began then to ask for permission, which the Dutch bishops never asked for, permission to receive Communion in the hand. I was asked by the [U.S.] bishops' conference to write a defense of Communion on the tongue, and I can again talk for hours.
"In the very, very early Church, Communion was given in the hands. However, as the faith of the Christians weakened in the Real Presence, by the 5th, 6th centuries Communion on the tongue became mandatory—remained mandatory until the present century. Behind Communion in the hand—I wish to repeat and make as plain as I can—is a weakening, a conscious, deliberate weakening of faith in the Real Presence.
And the American hierarchy took most—three times, those wanting Communion in the hand kept pushing and pushing. Finally, meantime, I was asked by the vice-president of the Catholic Conference of Bishops to defend Communion on the tongue, which I did. To get enough votes to give Communion in the hand, bishops who were retired, bishops who were dying, were solicited to vote to make sure that the vote would be affirmative in favor of Communion in the hand. Whatever you can do to stop Communion in the hand will be blessed by God.”
Link (here) to the quote by Fr. John Hardon, S.J., November 1st, 1997 Call to Holiness Conference
in Detroit, Michigan, panel discussion.


  1. I think communion in the hand/on the tongue was never definitive in the early church one way or another. I middle eastern an African cultures, the highest form of respect is when one gives someone else food from their hand to their mouth (there's even a word for it in ancient Ethiopian/Ge'ez: grsha). And I'm not exactly sure when the Eastern churches began communion by intinction, but I would find it hard (and messy) to believe they would have distributed in the hand this way.

  2. Prayer for the Beatification and Canonization of Father John Hardon

    Almighty God, You gave Your servant,
    Father John Anthony Hardon of the Society of Jesus,
    the grace of religious and priestly consecration after the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    Through Father Hardon,
    You provided for your Flock an extraordinary teacher of the faith.

    You entrusted Father Hardon into the loving
    care of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    whose counsel, "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5)
    he faithfully followed and whose intercession he unceasingly invoked.

    If it be Your holy will, please grant the request I now make,
    calling upon the help of Father Hardon,
    so that his heroic sanctity may be recognized in the whole Church.

    I ask this through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who
    with You and the Holy Spirit, is one God forever and ever.


  3. It is possible for there to be a preference for communion in the mouth -- and, at the same time, Fr. Hardon may be completely wrong in his analysis.

    Similarly, it may be completely inappropriate to quote "our lady" -- real prophets are rare.


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