Monday, October 28, 2013

“A Copernican Revolution”

Jan Matejko's Conversations with God
In an interview with L’Osservatore Romano, Father Cristian Martini Grimaldi, an Argentine Jesuit who has served for decades as a missionary in Japan, recalled the future Pope Francis’s leadership as a Jesuit provincial. Father Grimaldi, who was sent to Japan by the future Pope, now directs the martyrs’ museum in Nagasaki.

Father Grimaldi recalled how Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio would emphasize that the Jesuits under his care must take responsibility for their actions.
In Argentine Catholic culture at the time, Father Grimaldi recounted, priests would wait for the lay faithful to come to parishes before interacting with them. Father Bergoglio, he said, instituted “a Copernican revolution”: he instructed Jesuit novices to go out and teach the catechism in poor neighborhoods and invite the poor to church. 
Link (here) to Catholic Culture


  1. This is a good sign. I have bemoaned the fact that the parish priest's I have known for a many years seem to sit in the rectory and wait for new members or fallen away members to arrive at their door. If not waiting they are at some meeting or another. Il Papa has his priorities right, hope he sends this message worldwide.

  2. "Father Grimaldi recalled how Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio would emphasize that the Jesuits under his care must take responsibility for their actions." Wow. Profound. And water sure is wet, too. We ALL need to take responsibility for our actions. That's life. Unless we are mentally challenged, we don't get a pass.


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