Monday, July 1, 2013

Jesuit Roots

Pope Francis, a Jesuit, will be leading the Vigil with young people and celebrating the Final Mass in “The Jesuit Fountain was one of the first monuments declared to be historic heritage. The Church is the oldest in Guaratiba, and one of the oldest in the West End of Rio,” he explained. Studies regarding the presence of Jesuits in the region could also help to develop a new area for cultural tourism in the region. “There are a great number of museums that are trying to evaluate and appreciate Jesuit presence and the complexity of their history,” he said. Guaratiba during World Youth Day. The region used to be a part of the Hacienda Santa Cruz, which was run by Jesuit fathers during the XVI century, in colonial Brazil. This historic fact is part of a research project by Diogo da Silva Cardoso, a doctoral candidate in geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The researcher is conducting an archeological dig on the sight and discovered that Guaratiba has strong Jesuit roots. According to Cardoso, there are still traces of their influence in the area. The Jesuit Fountain and Savior of the World Church are some examples. 
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