Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Counter Reformational Pope Francis

Every pope in the Catholic Church’s past has had a mastery over Catholic rhetoric—the pope always says washing the feet of young women incarcerated at a nearby prison. This was the first time the pope has ever washed the feet of women—not to mention that one of them was a Serbian Muslim, which is another break in papal tradition. This type of servant leadership is precisely what has connected the new pope to our younger, more cynical generation. He is breaking the rules in the right places: where they shouldn’t exist. As Pope Francis accepts his role, a new generation of evangelicals accepts theirs. As young evangelicals have rejected the megachurch and the televangelist and embraced a more rugged, grassroots Christianity, these actions by the pope fit perfectly. He has refused to live in the massive papal quarters in Rome and has chosen to live in the guesthouse, instead. One of his first actions as pope was to cancel his newspaper subscription at his home in Buenos Aires.
the right thing. But Pope Francis has decided to lead with his actions. Before delivering his message at the Holy Thursday Mass (an extremely important mass in Catholic tradition), Pope Francis spent time on his knees,
These small things go beyond his radical, public acts of humility and reveal his dedication to simplicity. Evangelicals have grown in their love of the simple things. Public evangelicals like Shane Claiborne and David Platt have fascinated crowds and sold hundreds of thousands of copies of books about these principles. As Pope Francis leads in simplicity and continues to dedicate himself to living in this way, it will only increase his popularity.
The pontiff’s simplicity carries over to his language, too. Catholics have always had trouble connecting their message to young people. Many who grew up in the Catholic Church struggled to connect with its liturgy and message. To a newcomer, it’s often overwhelming.
But Pope Francis’ language is accessible and concise, which works perfectly with the Twitter-speak of young Christians like me. His quotes are simple and yet profound: “The Church is a love story, not an institution” and “War is madness. It is the suicide of humanity.” 
As many reject the King James Bible and the complex, irrelevant theological language of the past, they embrace the succinctness of Pope Francis’ words. It is important here to realize that the pope is popular with evangelicals not because he’s doing what they already do, but rather because he is doing what they are not doing but wish to begin doing. As I scour the landscape of evangelical leadership (authors, speakers, mega-church pastors), it is difficult to find a man like Francis. 
In the age of best-selling books and church auditoriums that rival arenas, we do not see many leaders take the route of Pope Francis. And perhaps this is why we enjoy him so much: He is leading us in a way we are not leading ourselves right now. Pope Francis is popular not for what he does, but how he does it. He’s popular not for what he says, but how he says it. These are character issues we are seeing displayed; he is adopting an attitude, not an office. I pray we would not be afraid to be led by a servant like Pope Francis. For if we cannot be led by a servant, how can we be led by Jesus? 
I see Pope Francis respected because he reminds us of Jesus, which unfortunately is a bit of a surprise when seen in public religious leadership. He is a breath of fresh air. He did not see the office of pope as something to be grasped, but instead made himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant, which is an imitation of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5-11). 
This adoption of servanthood has turned critics into followers. Because it’s difficult to be critical of someone who serves the poor and spends time with the victims of the world’s worst violences.
Link (here) to the Protestant Relevant Magazine and read the piece by Protestant pastor Chris Nye


  1. So, in the view of this article "counter-reformation" means making the church protestant enough to entice a handful of estranged evangelicals? Epic Fail. Maybe you didn't get the memo, but that's what happened all through the 70's and 80's, and the megachurches kept growing, and the Catholic churches in America and Europe kept shrinking. It is painfully obvious that some people simply do not learn from history or reality.

  2. Calvin, Henry VIII and Luther don't know Jesus sacramentalyJune 15, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    The typical American Protestant who was never Catholic, thinks the Catholics are weird at best, a tool of darkness at worst. How can a Protestant look at the Sacraments when he can not get past these views?
    The writer is looking at the Church with a renewed interest. Let see if he can find Jesus in John 6 and truly live.

  3. Yeah, I didn't realize the writer was Protestant. Still makes me wretch, but at least it was a "legitimate" Protestant point of view (yes, oxymoron) as opposed to a protestant pretending to be Catholic...if that makes any sense.

  4. Francis truly takes to heart that he is a "servant to the servants of God." Having just read Matthew Bunson's "Pope Francis" I could see that his humility is truly authentic. That is what draws people to him, whether they are Catholic, or evangelical, or even atheist. Francis is popular because he visibly lives and breathes the teachings of Christ and that is refreshing and hugely attractive. It is what we need right now.


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