Friday, June 14, 2013

Six Eye-openers From Pope Francis

Pope Francis has challenged his flock of 1 billion Catholics not to be “starched Christians” who chat about theology over tea. He’s been taking his own advice. Since his election in March, Francis has delivered sharp and unscripted remarks on everything from homosexuality to atheism to his unlikely election to the seat of St. Peter. Anyone who bet the 76-year-old Jesuit from Argentina would become Supreme Pontiff likely won a lot of dough, Francis joked on Sunday. We’re wagering this pope’s got a few more surprises up the sleeves of his white cassock. Meanwhile, here are six eye-openers Francis has uttered thus far.

1) There’s a “gay lobby” inside the Vatican

2) All atheists go to heaven?

3) “I didn’t want to be pope”

4) Sleepy prayers

5) Christians should mind their own beeswax

6) Throwing food away is stealing from the poor

Link (here) to CNN to read the 6 discussed

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