The school is one of the educational environments in which we grow to
learn to live, to become adult and
mature men and women, capable of
walking, of going along the road of life. These were the words of Pope
Francis in an address to the numerous -- and enthusiastic -- students,
families, and teachers of Jesuit schools in Italy and Albania. The Pope
said the most important characteristics, according to the spirit of
Saint Ignatius, are interior freedom -- founded on spirituality -- and
magnanimity -- that is, having ideals, thinking of others, responding
with goodness, and following the path traced out by God. To the Jesuits,
Pope Francis said that the schools are a precious instrument.....
Link (here) to the Vatican's YouTube Channel to watch the video
He quote to Times fr arrupe in high terms. Buenos Aires he had a photo of arrupe on this desk...and on conservative blog people continue to White that he was against him