Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. |
But the iconic images and audio from that historic event were almost lost in the annals of history.unusual suspects to protest the Vietnam War.The Catonsville Nine, as they came to be called, marked the beginning of dramatic new forms of antiwar resistance. When seven men and two women — all Catholic, including two priests,
Link (here) to Waging Non-Violence to watch a video of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. commit a criminal act in which he was sent to prison for.
Read Luke Hansen, S.J. at America glamorize the incident (here)
While it is now common knowledge that the draft was extremely biased and unfair to minorities (and the system undoubtedly created situations where anger against their virtual captivity spawned the war atrocities such as My Lai) I cannot help but wonder what this same priest did to help Catholic refugees and citizens of Vietnam who were being exterminated by the communists; a fact which was known since the Tet offensive.