Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Price Of Sodomy 19.6 Million Dollars

Fr. Donald McGuire, S.J.
Jesuit officials in Chicago will pay $19.6 million to settle a civil lawsuit brought by six men who claim theyDonald McGuire, formerly of Oak Lawn, is serving a 25-year prison term after being convicted in Chicago in 2008 of federal charges that he brought a minor across state lines to engage in sex. He also was convicted in 2006 of molesting two boys in Wisconsin during the 1960s. were molested by a former priest and onetime spiritual advisor to Mother Teresa, an attorney for the plaintiffs said Monday.
“The amount of the settlement is reflective of the magnitude of misconduct by the top Jesuit officials,” said Jeff Anderson, an attorney for the plaintiffs. 
The $19.6 million settlement against the Chicago Province for the Society of Jesus was reached in January.
Officials for the Jesuit order — the Roman Catholic religious order to which McGuire belonged — could not be reached for comment Monday evening. The plaintiffs range in age from their 20s to their 40s, and claim McGuire abused them when they were children between 1975 and the early 2000s, Anderson said. Some of the six plaintiffs were also victims in the criminal cases against McGuire, and Anderson says evidence uncovered for the civil lawsuits was turned over to prosecutors in Chicago and Wisconsin.
Link (here) to CBS Chicago

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Thomas Smolich, the top USA Jesuit with a Stanford MBA, probably approved the $19 million settlement regarding Fr. Donald McGuire. Also under Fr. Thomas Smolich an alleged Jesuit abuser was assigned to fund raising. Jesuit Brother William C. Farrington was suspected of abuse at Jesuit High School (Sacramento, California) and Bellarmine College Prep (San Jose, California).

    The Jesuit Farrington was later assigned to fund raising at the Jesuit Los Gatos, California headquarters under Fr. Smolich. While at Los Gatos Fr. Smolich also approved a $7 million sex abuse settlement to 2 disabled employees of the Jesuit Order.


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