Friday, May 24, 2013

Pope Francis A Great Encouragement

Head of the Progressive Front coalition (FAP in Spanish) Hermes Binner met with Pope Francis at the end “Here and there” by German Jesuit Florian Paucke who lived in the province of Santa Fe, run by Binner from 2007-201, during the 18th century. Following the meeting with the Pope, FAP’s head granted an interwiew to Argentina’s media saying that Bergoglio's election to lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics “is a great encouragement for the Argentine society.” Although not a Catholic himself, Binner -who will be running for office in October’s legislative elections-, considered the pontiff an example for peace and a proof that Argentina can “come up” with “strong leaderships.” After St. Peter’s audience, Francis’ agenda included also receiving governor of the province of Chacho, kirchnerite Jorge Capitanich who said the Pope sent his blessing to all Chaco’s people.
of the weekly general audience in St Peter's square at the Vatican. The socialist leader handed ex Argentine cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio a copy of the book
Link (here) to the Buenos Aires Herald

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