Friday, May 24, 2013

It Was In That Cave Where He Wrote The Spiritual Exercises

Priest Josep Maria Bullich, S.J. attends a mass at the Cave of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Manresa, Spain. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Company of Jesus, arrived in Manresa in March 25, 1522 after leaving his sword and knife at the altar of Our Lady of Montserrat. He stayed in a cave outside the town for 10 months. He spent hours each day praying and working in a hospice. It was in that cave where he wrote the Spiritual Exercises, a compilation of meditation, prayers and contemplative practices guiding to find God in all things that is one of the central characteristics of Jesuit spirituality. Pope Francis has been the first Jesuit elected as Pope.
Link (here) to The Windsor Star

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