Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fr. Lawrence Biondi, S.J. To Retire From St. Louis University After 25 Years

The Rev. Lawrence Biondi, S.J. announced Saturday that he will step down as president of Saint Louis University once a new president is selected. Father Biondi has served as president for 25 years, but in the last year has been the subject of no confidence votes and considerable criticism from students and faculty members who have said he has ignored their concerns, and who have questioned his management decisions. Father Biondi and the board had until Saturday indicated no intent to change course. The university's announcement did not reference the recent controversies.
Link (here) to IHE

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Biondi has served long and well as SLU pres. Was it time for him to retire - yes. Nevertheless it is a travesty that his departure was hastened by a faculty that, like faculties everywhere are more motivated by self-interest in the guise of "shared governance", and a student body in thrall to the profs who lead them around by the nose.

    I say this as a Ph.D recipient from SLU and as one who has dealt with higher ed administrators and faculty for years.


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