Monday, May 13, 2013

Boston College Student Lizzie Jekanowski Funnels Money From Pro Abortion Group Into BC Campus

Lizzie Jekanowski posing in a Halloween costume 
The College Fix is reporting that Planned Parenthood has been supplying contraceptives to Boston College Students for Sexual Health, the non-College affiliated student-run group that has run afoul of the school for distributing condoms on campus. 
“We … partner with the Planned Parenthood at the Babcock stop on the B Line; they give us a lot of condoms, information, free swag,” said student group Chairwoman Lizzie Jekanowski in an email to The College Fix. In addition to Planned Parenthood, Boston College Students for Sexual Health receives free condoms from a female condom company called FC2 and also the American Condom Campaign, run by Trojan, which gives 1,000 to 1,500 condoms a semester to the group.
She added they also partner with a national organization called Advocates for Youth, which focuses on youth activism for reproductive and homosexual rights. That organization gives the campus club $400 a semester. Jekanowski admitted that the student-run group is an official Planned Parenthood Vox: College Reproductive Rights Group. Earlier this year, the administration threatened disciplinary action against the students if they continued distributing the condoms on campus. The students have refused to stop. It's not the first time that there's been a link between the Catholic college and Planned Parenthood. In 2010, Boston College Law's website featured contact information for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts in a list of pro-bono organizations. The link was eventually removed.
Link (here) to Catholic Education Daily
Watch a video of Lizzie Jekanowski on Youtube explain her pro abortion feminism (here)

1 comment:

  1. "After graduation, Jekanowski will be spending a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps at a rape crisis center in San Jose, Calif."

    Flaunt your anti-Catholic views at a Jesuit college. Get rewarded with a stint in the JVC.


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