Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Reaffirmed The Findings Of The Assessment And The Program Of Reform."

The Vatican said Monday that Pope Francis supports the Holy See's crackdown on the largest umbrella group of U.S. nuns, dimming hopes that a Jesuit pope whose emphasis on the poor mirrored the nuns' own social outreach would take a different approach than his predecessor.
The Vatican last year imposed an overhaul of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious after determining the sisters took positions that undermined Catholic teaching on the priesthood and homosexuality while promoting "radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith." Investigators praised the nuns' humanitarian work, but accused them of ignoring critical issues, including fighting abortion.
On Monday, the heads of the conference met with the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Mueller, who is in charge of the crackdown. It was their first meeting since Mueller was appointed in July. 
In a statement, Mueller's office said he told the sisters that he had discussed the matter recently with Francis and that the pope had "reaffirmed the findings of the assessment and the program of reform." The conference, for its part, said the talks were "open and frank," and noted that Mueller had informed them of Francis' decision. "We pray that these conversations may bear fruit for the good of the Church," the conference said on its website. 
The Vatican crackdown unleashed a wave of popular support for the sisters, including parish vigils, protests outside the Vatican's embassy in Washington, D.C., and a U.S. Congressional resolution commending the sisters for their service to the country. Following Francis' election, several sisters had expressed hope that a Jesuit pope devoted to the poor and stressing a message of mercy rather than condemnation would take a gentler approach than his predecessor, Benedict XVI.
Link (here) to The Seattle Times

1 comment:

  1. "The Vatican said Monday that Pope Francis supports the Holy See's crackdown on the largest umbrella group of U.S. nuns, dimming hopes that a Jesuit pope whose emphasis on the poor mirrored the nuns' own social outreach would take a different approach than his predecessor." When certain "nuns" openly champion same-sex unions, abortion, new-age fads of every stripe, and their leadership tacitly supports them, at what other conclusion can any rational-thinking Catholic arrive? This underscores the fact that there is a serious problem with the majority of the religious orders in the US; and you don't need to be a conservative or liberal to acknowledge it-- just honest.


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