Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Loyola Press Editor, Vinita Hampton Wright On The Jesuit Mindset

Vinita Hampton Wright
What qualities of Jesuit training might prepare a man to be a good pope in 2013? Given the difficult Pope Francis was educated and formed in the Jesuit tradition. There are four key pillars in the mindset and formation of each Jesuit which make for a strong foundation but are not easy to build, whether in an individual life or an institutional life.
challenges of our time, what enduring practices might help Pope Francis lead in an exceptional way?
Self-awareness. The Church is in need of a leader who is not afraid to look honestly at the difficulties and challenges facing the Catholic community. This self-assessment can lead to understanding and healing. Self-awareness will also help the Church see its gifts and abilities and celebrate them.
Ingenuity. The Jesuits are well-known for innovation, for adapting to change in a heartbeat, for solving problems seemingly too complex or big to solve. We need a good problem solver at the head of the Catholic family, someone who does not shrink away from advances in technology, medicine, philosophy, and consciousness. A wise pope will teach us how to become more flexible, more willing to learn, more courageous to enter new realms of knowledge and ministry.
Link (here) to Loyola Press to read Vinita Hampton Wright 

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