Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Tried To Show Him How It Was Out Of Step

S.G. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. and Fr. Campbell-Johnston, S.J.
Deep divisions between the conservative Argentine province of the Jesuits, for long headed by Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, and other Jesuit provinces in the west, are detailed in report in today’s Tablet , the British Catholic weekly, by Fr Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ, a former provincial of the British Jesuits. Fr Michael Campbell-Johnston spent many years as a priest in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. The church there was persecuted by a western-supported military dictatorship – responsible for the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980, six Jesuits, two US nuns and many other Christian leaders. He recounts how, during a visit to the order’s social institutes in Latin America in 1977, he met Fr Bergoglio. The Argentinian had been Jesuit provincial for Argentina for four years. “At the time,” Fr Campbell- Johnston says, “there were an estimated 6,000 political prisoners in Argentina and another 20,000 desaparecidos , people who had been ‘disappeared’.” In some countries, the Jesuit social institutes were forced to act underground and in secrecy, he writes, “ but . . . our institute in Buenos Aires was able to function freely because it never criticised or opposed the government. As a result, there were justice issues it could not address or even mention. 
This was the topic I remembered discussing at length with Fr Bergoglio. “He naturally defended the existing situation, though I tried to show him how it was out of step with our other social institutes on the continent. Our discussion was lengthy . . . [but] we never reached an agreement.”  
Back in Rome, Fr Campbell- Johnston says he received a copy of a letter to the pope signed by more than 400 Argentinian women who had “lost” children or other relatives and who begged the Vatican to intercede with the military dictatorship. “I took it into the [Vatican] secretariat of state but never received any acknowledgement,” Fr Campbell-Johnston reports.
Link (here) to The Tablet

1 comment:

  1. I know Fr Michael Campbell-Johnston. He is a leftist, not very intelligent, and was a DISASTER as Provincial. During his tenure he succeeded in destroying the British Province. I also know Pope Francis. He is a true believer, extremely insightful, and he served his brother Jesuits and the people of God in Argentina with wisdom and love. Take your pick.


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