Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pope Francis I On The Merchants Of Darkness

Sometimes he also encounters them, the poor slaves of paco, maybe on Sunday when he arrives on foot in the maze of some villa miseria, to say Mass, baptize and confirm, to celebrate the patron saint. They see the white collar in the distance, realize that it’s a priest, and then the calls go up: “Hola padre, tienes un peso para la coca?”. For Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit, cardinal and archbishop of Buenos Aires since 1998, it is the confirmation that in those parts “they tell the truth”. Also when they want to leave the dark background of their disastrous lives. So everything is fine, but let no one try to touch his priest friends of Baires. Those who speak to him informally of the miracles that the Lord performs down their way. It was him, Father Bergoglio, who made public the death threats brought to the priests from those whom he calls “los mercaderes de las tinieblas”, the merchants of darkness. 
Link (here) to a full interview of Pope Francis I from 2009 on the drug trade in Argentina

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