Friday, March 15, 2013

An Interview With Celebrity Jesuit James Martin

What was your initial reaction to the news that a Jesuit had been selected as the new Pope?
I was stunned into speechlessness, which isn’t typical for the Jesuits. I couldn’t wait to get home to my community and celebrate with them.
You have more than 20,000 likes on your Facebook page, making you one of the most popular Jesuits in America. Did Pope Francis steal your spotlight?
[Laughs]. No, I wouldn’t say that. Any claims to that title I may have had before, he has definitely taken away from me. I might be one of the more well-known Jesuits out there, I guess.
What’s the environment like in the Jesuit community right now?
It’s a worldwide celebration. Our community couldn’t stop talking about it. Last night we had an already-scheduled community meeting that was meant to focus on a less-exciting topic, but it immediately turned into a sharing session about our joy over the new pope.
Could you explain in simple terms the foundation of Jesuit spirituality?
Helping people find God in all things. It’s a spirituality of freedom. Trying to free yourself up from anything that gets in the way of you and God and another person. It’s a spirituality deeply connected to Jesus.
Link (here) to read the full interview at the Daily Beast.


  1. The moment is here

  2. "do his views on abortion and gay marriage align with the Jesuits..."

    It appears that Jesuit James Martin dodged the question with a deflection that makes it appear that there is a liberal and conservative view in regards to the truth about the inherent personal and relational Dignity of the human person. An apostate is one who denies the inherent personal and relational essence of the human person, who, from the moment of conception, has been created equal in Dignity, while being complementary as male or female. Those who deny the personal and relational essence of the human person created in The Image and Likeness of God, deny the essence of God.

  3. It is a self-evident truth that every son and daughter of a human person, can only be a human person, and that only a man and woman can live in relationship as husband and wife.

  4. "self-evident"? Not to me.

  5. A human person can only conceive a human person,as there is no such being as a human place or human thing. In order for a man to be a husband, he must exist in relationship with a woman who is his wife.

  6. not "self evident" to me either Nancy pants

  7. Well then, perhaps you can give us some examples of a human person who conceived a son or daughter who was a thing or a place, and some examples of how a husband can be a husband without a woman who is his wife?


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