Man's salvation and perfection consists in doing the will of God,
which he must have in view in all things, and at every moment of his
life; the more he accomplishes this divine will, the more perfect he
will be.
To do the will of God, a man must despise his own; the more
he dies to himself, the more will he live to God. But to acquire this
double advantage we must love God, and the more we purge the heart of
self-love, the more shall we love God.
To love God as he ought to be
loved, we must be detached from all terrestial love ; we must love
nothing but Him; or if we love anything else, we must love it only for
His sake.
Let a man direct all his thoughts, words, and actions,
solely to the glory of God, incessantly striving for submission to His
will, insomuch as to desire neither evil nor good, unless God wills it;
and in whatever trials he may be placed, the peace of his soul cannot
then be troubled.
To derive true profit from whatever happens, a man
should be silent amidst reproaches, injuries, and ill-treatment, whether
there be any fault on his side or not; and when people contend with
him, let him prefer silence to victory.
To make rapid progress in
virtue a man must carefully guard his tongue, and let truth, peace, and
be in all his words. Let him say much in few words; and that he may
always speak well, let him always speak either of God or with God.
Let him prefer nothing to obedience, no matter who commands; submitting
to all creatures for the sake of God, and doing all that is required of
him with great peace of mind. If however he cannot do all, and is asked
the reason, let him be content with simply saying that he could not; and
whatever may be said, let him answer nothing—no, absolutely nothing:
whatever reproaches may be made, let him be silent, accepting all for
the sake of God; provided there be nothing contrary to God, or to
obedience. This is indeed the way in which to vanquish self."
Link (here) to the Maxim's of St. Peter Claver, S.J.
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