Monday, February 11, 2013

The Holy Father To Resign

In light of Pope Benedict XVI's announcement to resign his office,
a selection of the Jesuit magazine America articles on his pontificate:


  1. To quote Willy Wonka: Stop. Don't. Come back.

  2. Anonymous @ 4:16,
    Nuff said. We've now got a clear picture of maturity/intellect.

  3. The catholic church will always be opposed to homosexuality. It ain't changing people; doesn't matter the pope. Sin, is sin and can never be called good by the holy catholic church.

  4. Just like the CC was always opposed to slavery, right?

  5. Please....Pope Paul III in 1537 issued a Bull against slavery, entitled Sublimis Deus.

  6. Why erase my reply to 8:01 p.m.? I wrote a respectful reply citing historical facts.


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