Saturday, February 9, 2013

SLU Speaker Neblett, "Thank God For Abortion"

Saint Louis University is highlighting Black History Month with a keynote address by pro-abortion journalist and MSNBC TV host TourĂ© Neblett this evening, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Carlo Auditorium of Tegeler Hall. Neblett will speak on “How Racism Functions Today and Ways to Deal with it to Get Success.”
“Without question, one of Saint Louis University’s greatest strengths is our diversity,” said University President Lawrence Biondi, S.J. “Here at SLU, people of diverse beliefs, diverse backgrounds and diverse faiths come together to learn, to live and to lead.” On January 25, 2013, Neblett, described on the MSNBC program The Cycle, how he and his girlfriend had an abortion, saying that the “choice saved my life.” He further went on to thank God for abortion. “I cannot imagine arguing against a woman’s right to control her own body, and thus her life,” said Neblett. Prior to the election, Neblett tweeted: “Girls, get your abortions NOW in case the Republicans win.”
Link (here) to The Cardinal Newman Society to watch Neblett video

1 comment:

  1. I am again reminded of a comment I heard sometime in the distant past - I believe while working on my Ph.D. at SLU - the Jesuits are a fairly decent collection of men, too bad they aren't Catholic. I guess that all the Black Catholic social commentators were already spoken for.


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