Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Jesuit And A Cardinal

Dominican Republic’s cardinal on Friday said neither the Catholic church “nor anybody else” has to get involved on immigration issues, because it’s up to the government to decide on the matter. Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez made the statement when asked about the attitude of the Jesuit priest Rogelio Martinez, whose failed effort to get hundreds of undocumented Haitians across the border roiled Dominican Republic. Nonetheless Lopez noted that the priest’s conduct doesn’t merit a reprimand. “No one has to get into that; neither ambassadors nor priests, it’s up the State to dictate migratory policy,” the senior prelate said, warning that the situation with the Haitians seeking to enter the country irregularly could’ve led to fatal consequences. Speaking at the Marcelino Velez Hospital, the Cardinal stressed however, that Haitian and Dominican authorities should find a solution, to issue documents which regularize their status in Dominican territory.
Link (here) to Dominican Today

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