Friday, December 7, 2012

“Same Sex Tax Law” Brought To You By The University Of Santa Clara

The University of Santa Clara, a Jesuit University, hosts a blog called “Same Sex Tax Law” that not only offers analysis of the tax ramifications of the changing institution of marriage for the gay, lesbian, and transgendered but it’s written by a law professor who publicly roots for same-sex “marriage” right on the university’s website. Professor Patricia Cain, whose areas of expertise include federal taxation, feminist legal theory, and gay and lesbian issues, recently thanked Minnesota voters on the Jesuit university’s website for their vote against upholding traditional marriage and called repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) ”a step in the right direction.” Immediately following the election, Cain wrote a blog post which included a word of thanks to Minnesota voters.
Link (here) to the Cardinal Newman Society


  1. Look at her photo. Yes, you can tell a book by its cover.

  2. Actually, she's a great and respected legal scholar.

  3. Oooh, "great and respected scholar". I'm filled with awe.

    These days "scholar" means nothing except that you're likely to hear a bunch of nonsense passed off as meaningful or true.

  4. 4:04 ANON - are you a Victoria secret model ? or an adonis?

    again you people OBSESSED with gays

  5. "I'm filled with awe."

    I'm not certain what you are filled with!

    Scholarship, evidence, facts--all nonsense, right? When you are sick do you go to the doctor?

  6. So much wisdom in the comments on this page.

    That's why it always confuses me: With so much wisdom to be shared in these comments, why are so many of the comments "Anonymous"?

    Don't y'all want to take credit for your fantastic thoughts?

  7. what is a scholar ? a priest who attends a trade school called a seminary ? or a cardinal hides behind the cloaks of an SdT regurgitating nonsense from Rome ? White men teaching other white men seems myopic. Thankfully many Womyn religious have advanced degrees from top ranked universities


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