Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jesuit On His Notre Dame Education

Ara Parseghian
I am not a right wing extremist priest; nor am I an activist. 
I am an 82 year old alumnus, Jesuit priest, who dearly loves the school.  I was at the University of Notre Dame at the time of Frank Leahy and Ara Parseghian.  
So, I am for excellence in football, academic and  yes, Catholic Identity.  Let us both pray that they can win the National Championship.

I am yours in Our Lady,

Link (here) to Patheos


  1. Fr. LeBlanc IS a right-winger! I've checked out some of his musings on Vatican II and excommunication.

    Thanks to Fr. Hesburgh UND got its act together and became a world-class, bona fide university.

  2. UND is no different from any other state run university; it's not catholic. Call it bona-fide world-class if you'd like. I would send my kids to a state university just to spare them the scandal of calling something catholic when it is not.


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