Friday, November 30, 2012

Fairfield University And The Cavelier Governor

Fairfield University is hosting an event called the “State of the State” tonight that is scheduled to feature pro-abortion rights/ pro-gay “marriage” Governor Dannel Malloy. According to the Jesuit university’s website, Malloy will deliver the keynote address at the Charles F. Dolan School of Business, which is hosting the event that will focus on the business climate in Connecticut. Earlier this year, the White House thanked Malloy, a Boston College graduate, for speaking out publicly in favor of the HHS contraceptive mandate. “I think it’s the right rule,” Malloy told Joe Scarborough on his MSNBC show. Planned lists Governor Malloy under the banner of “Mayors and Governors Stand With Planned Parenthood.” Last year, Malloy even issued a press release celebrating the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.  “I’ve been a lifelong advocate and strong supporter of a woman’s right to choose,” he said. On gay “marriage,” Malloy spoke cavelierly, “Historically, two people get married. We’re not changing history. We might be changing the sex of individuals or the concept that they’re both of the same sex, but we’re not changing anything. A registration is a registration is a registration.”
Link (here) to The Cardinal Newman Society


  1. Until our Church remembers Canon 915, we will continue to remain in the mess we find ourselves. Pretty simple but the Catholic hierarchy is too spineless to act!!

  2. Better to phrase it: "The Topic of Gay Marriage is Unhealthy" as is the act!!

  3. Ray who are you to judge ?

  4. Mr Fromm- What if your child is gay?

    Would you treat them as a second class citizen?

  5. Hate the sin but love the sinner. If I had a child with these propensities, I'd tell them they had to be celibate and would pray for them and with them for spiritual assistance.

  6. More hateful focus on issues of sexual identity. They make up a significant number of postings on this website.

  7. Speaking the truth about the disordered nature of homosexual inclinations is not hateful any more than telling a morbidly obese person that she is unhealthy is hateful: it's the truth.

    The "hate" charge has become as tiresome as the "racist" charge. The boy who cried wolf.

    Liberalism is a mental defect.

  8. Anon at 7:22
    what cave do you live in ?

  9. I agree completely with Anon 7:22. It is okay to judge someones actions and progressives try and compare that to the judgement only God may render. It is time for all loyal Catholics to stand up to the folks who openly flaunt our Church's teachings. I for one will not move back to a cave.

  10. "It is okay to judge someones actions and progressives try and compare that to the judgement only God may render. It is time for all loyal Catholics to stand up to the folks who openly flaunt our Church's teachings. I for one will not move back to a cave."

    It's not okay to play God and condemn people.

    You haven't moved out of the cave!

  11. Sounds like Canon 915 applies to you. I'm happy being a Catholic Cro Magnon man. Doesn't sound like you are happy in your skin, but I am.

  12. well move out of the USA and to Vatican City or Iran where Theocracies exist in the USA we separate Church and State


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