Monday, October 15, 2012

Out Of The Closet At Georgetown University

the “Spirit of Georgetown” sign on the university’s “Mission and Ministry” page, while a larger version of the “Coming Out Week” poster is on the Facebook page of one of the Georgetown LGBTQ Resource Center’s faculty advisers.
What strikes me about the juxtaposition of the two posters is that each one includes “The Great Seal of Georgetown University.” It’s been said (and there is some data, albeit disputed, to back it up) that Catholic students who attend an inauthentic Catholic college—that is, one that does not uphold Catholic faith and social teaching across the board— are more likely to lose their faith than those who attend a secular college. I can see how that claim might be true.
Imagine a Georgetown University student who was raised by Catholic parents to believe, as the Catechism says, that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” and “contrary to the natural law”; they “close the sexual act to the gift of life” and “do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity”; and “[under] no circumstances can they be approved” (CCC 2357). Then imagine that same student seeing his “Catholic university” place its Great Seal on “Coming Out Week” and an entire month of “OUTober” events such this:
Coming Out in Red Square
Five years ago, the Out for Change campaign worked hard to make Georgetown a more inclusive place. Today, coming out on campus still presents unique challenges. Show your pride this year by Coming Out through our closet door as a proud LGBTQ or Ally, and participating in the midday ‘Kiss-In’. Be sure to wear your ‘I Am’ t-shirt throughout the day to promote visibility and awareness about LGBTQ life on campus!
Time: 12:15pm
Location: Red Square
Audience: All
Do you think that such a student, away from home and seeing his “Catholic” school actively promote the homosexual lifestyle, would still believe that his parents had given him the truth about what the Church teaches on same-sex attraction? Or would he think that the Church had “moved with the times”?
Link (here) to read the full blog post by Dawn Eden and see her video link.


  1. I don't consider being gay or lesbian to be limited to or synonymous with, sex.

    The majority of people are heterosexual while virgins or during periods of their life when they are not sexually active.

    Similarly, I am not sexually active, but I am a lesbian.

    (The "Kiss-In" sounds questionable though. In a nation where something like 1 in 5 adults has oral herpes, I don't want my mouth indiscriminately near anyone else's unless there is a good reason for it!)

  2. amazing - however Boston College has a better looking student body

  3. this kiss in would be great for st peters square as well
    so many cardinals bishops and priests could finally express their deep desires publicly

  4. "...when we recite the Hail Mary let's be sure we know what we are saying. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. To pray and keep praying for the gift of final perseverance because the devil is never asleep and the principal objective, demonic machination, is the souls that are consecrated to Him. In the three volumes on Christian perfection that we used to read in the novitiate by Rodriguez - ever hear about them? Well, my novitiate being some years back I forget the exact wording. All I remember; how could I forget? Rodriguez describing the horde of demons that some mystics saw invading convents of dedicated religious. If the devil had the audacity to tempt the Son of God be sure he won't hesitate tempting us".
    ~Servus Dei John Hardon SJ

    Or the Society of Jesus...

  5. Maria you could not even get into Georgetown or many other Jesuit Colleges

  6. Thanks for your concern. My father graduated from Georgetown undergrad and law. My Uncle graduated from GU undergrad and the School of Foreign Service. Unofortunately,my niece graduated from GU Law. So, we have it covered. You are probably right. I probably couldn't get into Georgetown. A little food for thought--"the gate of Heaven is very low. Only the very humble can enter" so say Saint Elizabeth Anne Seaton. My only concern is getting into Heaven. Guess what? No IQ tests. Good to know, huh?

  7. not judging others would be a good starter to bring heaven on earth
    when you say gay activity is demonic i would say jesus wept and that you are a judgemental k___t

  8. If YOU did not attend a Jesuit school especially Georgetown than how can you judge what goes in there? no right to judge

  9. I think you misunderstood my comment. I did not say "gay activity" is demonic though Christ speaks only in the harshest of terms about sodomy. Christ was judgemental in the extreme where the sodomites where concerned.

    "Demonic" seems a just right descriptor for Roman Catholic priests who have been seduced by the enemy to believe that sodomy is a right. Roman Catholic priests at the oldest Catholic college in the United States who now believe, and indoctrinate, impressionable youth into believing that sodomy is not sinful? What would you call it but demonic?

    Today is the Feast of the North American martyrs. "I ... give you just a little episode here and there from the martyrdom of at least some of these eight. Rene Goupil was tomahawked in 1642, as far as we can tell, the first to go for making the sign of the cross on the brows of the children he was catechizing. The parents were angry and tomahawked him to death.

    Isaac Jogues was first taken as a slave by the Mohawks in doing the most humiliating tasks among the Indians. He was tortured, in the process had his fingers chewed off. He managed to escape, went back to France and the question was--would he be able to say Mass. Pope Urban the 8th gave him permission. The Holy Father declared it would be unjust for a martyr of Christ not to drink the blood of Christ. So Isaac Jogues was, when he came back to the New World, was tomahawked to death. Anthony Daniel was offering Mass when the Iroquois attacked a Huron village. The Hurons were interested in the faith and Daniel was preaching among them and most of the people were interested in being received into the Church, but the Iroquois attacked. Daniel during the attack, ran around baptizing everybody in sight. Well, he baptized quite a few, but, he still saw a crowd that he had not reached so he took some wet rags and squeezed the water on these people while pronouncing the words of baptism. He himself did not try to escape. He was pierced with arrows and then all the people were huddled into a Church, the Church was set afire and the pierced body of Daniel, still breathing, was thrown into the Church where he had been offering Mass. From all accounts the worst tortures were reserved for Brebeuf and Lalemant. Among other excruciating pain which they had to suffer, they had their hands lopped off, had red hot hatchets applied to their bodies, then the Indians made belts of bark, soaked these belts in tar, bound their bodies with this resin dipped bark and set the bark and tar on fire. They were still not dead so pieces of their flesh were cut off with huge knives and miraculously they stayed alive so then the Indians to finish them off had cauldrons of boiling water poured on their bodies. It is no wonder given the circumstances of their martyrdom that the Indians were so impressed by the courage of these two men that after they died, the Indians drank their blood in order to acquire some of their courage." JAH SJ

    Now? Defending the faith means you are a "bully". Saints John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, Anthony Daniel, Gabriel Lalemant, Charles Garnier, Noel Chabanel, Rene Goupil and John Lalande, pray for us...

  10. Maria why not focus on opus dei activities as you are so far away from jesuit spirituality plus you were not even educated by them i am sure they have a site where you can spew your hate

  11. Clement why don't you explain what you mean by Ignatian Spirituality?

  12. It is not I who is far away from St. Ignatius. St. Ignatius is responsible for leading me to Christ. It is the Society of Jesus who is so very far away from St.Ignatius.

    The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is no other than love. Your argument is w/ Christ Jesus and His message, not I, my friend.

  13. @ 9:18 PM

    My family has more than a little history with the Society of Jesus. You will just have to trust me. I know whereof I speak.

  14. Finding God in all things

  15. but how could you be so square maria

  16. A lovely compliemtn 12:36. Many thanks...


  17. Maria is an avatar for Georgetown University counsel, Lisa E. Krim.

    Lisa E. Krim said:

    I think you misunderstood my comment. I did not say "gay activity" is demonic though Christ speaks only in the harshest of terms about sodomy. Christ was judgemental in the extreme where the sodomites where concerned.

    "Demonic" seems a just right descriptor for Roman Catholic priests who have been seduced by the enemy to believe that sodomy is a right. Roman Catholic priests at the oldest Catholic college in the United States who now believe, and indoctrinate, impressionable youth into believing that sodomy is not sinful? What would you call it but demonic?

    Today is the Feast of the North American martyrs. "I ... give you just a little episode here and there from the martyrdom of at least some of these eight. Rene Goupil was tomahawked in 1642, as far as we can tell, the first to go for making the sign of the cross on the brows of the children he was catechizing. The parents were angry and tomahawked him to death.

    Why does this counsel participate with religious hate speech with someone else's photo and name? Pretty damn disturbing.


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