Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sacred Heart Jesuit Center And Fr. Jerry Linder, S.J.

Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos
A jury has acquitted a San Francisco man accused of beating a priest at the Los Gatos Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in May 2010. On Thursday afternoon, the panel found William Lynch, 44, not guilty of one count of felony assault with intent to cause great bodily injury and one count of elder abuse under circumstances likely to produce great bodily harm or death.He had pleaded not guilty to both charges. The jury hung 8-4 on a lesser misdemeanor crime of an assault on Father Jerold Lindner and it's not clear if the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office will refile charges related to that lesser offense or appeal. Outside the San Jose Hall of Justice, Lynch said he was happy with the verdict and surprised by the outcome of the highly emotional trial. Lynch claimed on the witness stand that Lindner had raped and sodomized both he and his brother while they were young children in the 1970s. 
His testimony was thrown out after defense attorneys called for a mistrial, saying the cleric had perjured himself. "We've accomplished so much more," he said. "I wanted to bring attention to the issue of child sexual abuse. I wanted to bring Father Jerry into the light and careened the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center as the rapist resort." 
Lynch said he hopes the DA's office will prosecute Lindner for perjury. According to several Lynch supporters, the Jesuit Order - where Lindner is a member - has paid out millions of dollars in out-of-court settlements to other alleged victims.
Link (here) to Los Altos Patch
Read the heinous back story of Fr. Jerold "Jerry" Linder, S.J. (here) at the website entitled Counter Punch


  1. As a Catholic, while I fully understand the concept of Christian charity and forgiveness, I also understand that up until very recently in church history, abuse of minors was handled much more quickly, harshly and effectively (St Peter Damian, pray for us!) Unfortunately, I think the cronyism and misguided spirit of charity has completely overshaddowed the equal virtue of justice, specifically in the Jesuit order. Why did the order keep him when he was found guilty on so many charges/crimes? The Jesuits are certainly not alone here, but that does not excuse their shameful lack of a) common sense or b) commitment to Christ's flock over cronyism.

  2. John 8:44

    "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof."

  3. Don't miss this video starring Fr. Jerry:

  4. Another NOT TO MISS video: OF GOD AND GUCCI. All about another Jesuit PERV, Fr. Keith Pecklers. Coming to a theatre near you soon:

  5. Don't forget Fr. Hardon's crime!

  6. Disgusted and Angry:

    And yet, many Jesuits waste the priesthood given to them by God on efforts to convince others that sodomy is not sinful. It is remarkable that America Magazine has the gall to pen diatribes on the sexual perversions that traspire elsewhere in other orders. It is a stunning kind of hubris. Nothing so blinds like sin...

    In All Things - America Magazine
    Protesting the pope. Posted at: Sunday, July 08, 2012 02:27:46 PM Author:
    Michael O'Loughlin.

  7. Then we are agreed-the bishops and superiors who are guilty of covering up etc. need to be brought to justice.

    Let's start with Rome.

  8. Let us start w/ the Society instead ;)

  9. lets start with Rome first - get rid of almost every Cardinal and bishop who blatantly covered up abuse !
    next JP2 is not a saint he fully realized what was going on - cardinals law mahony bevilaqua brady egan the list goes on and on strip them put them on the streets- make them work for a living to eat for they did nothing good anyway
    and pray for people like maria who think its ok for closeted gays and uneducated losers run our church
    put great thinkers and leaders in rome and then the foundation will be strong for modernity

  10. I agree with the above posters on JP II. I lament the fact that our current blessed Pope Benedict has inherrited such an evil mess due to the lack of action (sin of omission) of the last pope.

    Then again, we cannot know what Cardinal Law's days are like there. Maybe he is indeed in a place where he can do penance (whether he wants to or not).

  11. The issue at hand is Father Jerry Lindner and the Jesuits of the California Province. Lindner should be in jail. His superiors, too, should be punished. Instead, Jerry was sent to Paris "on sabbatical". French Jesuits were not informed by the California Jesuit authorities that they had a major sicko and dangerous criminal in their midst. One source says that Jerry was doing the leather bar scene in Paris. When informed of this, then Father Provincial Smolich, now Head of all US Jesuits, supposedly said: "Father Jerry can wear whatever he wants."

  12. Clement, since when is Father James Martin a closeted homosexual?

    Maria, please don't let this fool intimidate you.

  13. Clement is right--time for the bishops to be true to the Christian faith. They have acted in a criminal and hateful manner.

    What a bunch of cowards.

  14. Father Angel Mariano, S.J.] was arrested about midnight Sept. 21, 1998, in Campbell, Calif., near San Jose when a police officer caught him in a sex act with a 17-year-old student in a parked car. According to police reports, Mariano arranged to meet two teenagers by posing as a 25-year-old woman on an Internet chat room. He wore lipstick and rouge when he met the boys.... Mariano was removed without any explanation. ***Asked why parishioners at Holy Trinity were not made aware of the reasons for Mariano's departure, *** [PROVINCIAL FATHER TOM] SMOLICH *** SAID: "WHY SHOULD THEY THIS IS AN INTERNET CRUISING THING. THIS IS ANONYMOUS SEX. THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE PEOPLE AT THE PARISH. IT WASN'T A PRIEST THING. HE WASN'T DRESSED IN HIS COLLAR." [Glenn Bunting, "Lawsuit Ends Silence on Abuse at Jesuit Retreat," Los Angeles Times, March 24, 2002]


  15. Demonic indeed. Did Fr. Hardon advise that this priest also be shielded from justice?


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