Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Katie Holmes Registers As A Parishoner At A Jesuit Parish In New York City

Katie Holmes with daughter Suri
Five years after revealing that she had started to study Scientology, Katie Holmes has officially returned to the Catholic faith, registering as a parishioner at the Church of St. Francis Xavier in New York City. “Everyone is thrilled to have Katie join us,” a member of the church's choir told me. “She has not yet attended a service, but when she does she will be welcomed with open arms.” The church, located on 16th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, is known for inclusive thinking and its welcoming of many gay and lesbian Catholics. Its mission statement indicates that the Roman Catholic Church parish “strives to be a prophetic, welcoming community, inclusive witness to the presence of Christ Jesus in our midst.” Its website proclaims that it is a respectful community, “where seekers and their questions are welcomed, where injustice is challenged, where the poor, the alienated and marginalized find a home, and where people are refreshed, reconciled and renewed.” Cruise and Holmes just issued a joint statement saying, "We want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other's commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other's roles as parents." The New York parish is no stranger to celebrity faces: Nancy Pelosi was seen worshipping there while serving as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
Link (here) to the Huffington Post


  1. great job... keep blogging...

    you can also check my blog

    link is www.poetashwin.blogspot.com

  2. xavier is an amazing parish !!

  3. Not surprising. Tom Cruise was also Catholic (and even briefly a seminarian).

  4. Welcome Back , welcome home Home, Katie ! Keeping you in my prayers.


    CATHOLIC LESBIANS: Second Friday of each month, 7 pm,
    West Room. Contact SFXWomen@aol.com, 917-297-6804

    Wednesday, July 13th
    7:00 pm—9:00 pm
    West Room
    Who was Mary? The most famous woman in the world is
    usually depicted as a blank, iconic figure rather than the
    extraordinary person she must have been: peasant villager,
    wise woman and healer, **activist**, mother, teacher, virgin
    (***though in a sense we have long forgotten***). She was a real
    woman and a powerful spiritual leader. Let's talk about it.
    Please bring a beverage and/or snack to share, and contact
    SFXWomen@aol.comor (917) 297-6804 for more

    GAY CATHOLICS: Men meet in a caring and affirming
    environment on the first and third Fridays, 7pm Mary Chapel.
    Contact sfxgcgroup@gmail.com

    Church of St. Francis Assisi
    135 West 31st Street
    ***PRE-PRIDE MASS***
    Saturday, June 23rd
    5:15 pm
    All are welcome!

    ZEN MEDITATION GROUP: Mondays at 7pm. Newcomers
    welcome. Contact Peggy & Paul 212-260-2486,

    Modern life is just so taxing. Remember when we weren’t homosexual Catholics and we were all just Roman Catholics? When Mary was the Mother of God and not an activist whose virginity has been long forgotten? When our spiritual lives included meditation on the holy mysteries of the rosary and not zazen meditation? When humility was a virtue and pride was understood as sin?

    Let us thank God Katie is looking in the direction of home. Let us pray there is holy Jesuit somewhere at the ready to protect her from the wolves.

  6. Thanks Maria--the Zen thing looks good; I'm not gay but I'm glad to see a parish reaching out.

    Not everyone hates like you but don't think we don't appreciate your constant homophobia.

  7. Anonymous, cut it with the cliche accusations of hate when someone defends moral truth and authentic Catholic doctrine. You are a phony Catholic. We all know it here, except perhaps you.

  8. "when someone defends moral truth and authentic Catholic doctrine."

    I can hear the goose-stepping now.

  9. Hate. Homophobia. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

  10. Oh, Maria--does it bother you when someone points out that you are filled with hate? Wait, here's your reply: we actually "love" all these people we denounce and call "disordered."

    If that's "love" you can keep it.


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