Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Holy Father On Saint Ignatius

Pilgrims gathered in a sunny St. Peter’s Square heard an explanation of the first parable, as referring to “the mystery of creation and redemption, the fruitful work of God in history” that will conclude with Jesus' assured victory at the end of time. “Every Christian, then, knows that he must do all he can, but that the final results depend on God,” said the Pope, suggesting that “this knowledge will sustain his daily labors, especially in difficult situations.” 
The parable reminded Pope Benedict of the advice given by the 16th century founder of the Society of Jesus, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who told his followers to “act as if everything depended on you, knowing well that in reality everything depends on God.” 
Meanwhile, in the parable of the mustard seed, Christ speaks of a plant whose strength stems from its initial smallness. So too with the kingdom of God, the Pope said, which is a “humanly small reality, composed from those poor in heart, from those who are not confident in their own strength but in the love of God, from those not important in the eyes of the world.” Yet it is in their lives that “the power of Christ” breaks through “and transforms what is apparently insignificant.” The Pope concluded his Angelus address by leading pilgrims in the midday Marian prayer, before addressing the crowds in various languages and, finally, imparting his apostolic blessing.
Link (here) Catholic News Agency


  1. How blessed by God we are to have Benedict for our Holy Father at a time when the world, and the Church, increasingly loses sight of the supernatural. He always has his eye properly focused on our relationship w/ God. How good it is to be reminded that it is God who steers the bark of Peter and not human hands...

  2. How blessed by God we are to have Benedict for our Holy Father at a time when the world, and the Church, increasingly loses sight of the supernatural. He always has his eye properly focused on our relationship w/ God. How good it is to be reminded that it is God who steers the bark of Peter and not human hands...


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