Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Supporter Of Women Priests And G@y Marriage To Speak At John Carroll Univesity

Dr. Charles Geschke
John Carroll University, a Jesuit institution in Ohio, has invited Dr. Charles M. Geschke, chairman and co-founder of Adobe Systems, Inc., to speak at the university’s commencement ceremony on May 20. University President Rev. Robert Niehoff, S.J., will present Geschke an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. Geschke reportedly helped establish the “Silicon Valley Leaders Say No on Proposition 8” and purchased a full-page ad in the San Jose Mercury News opposing the 2008 California referendum to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Geschke reportedly donated $5,000 toward the ad and was described as honorary co-chair of the group. While addressing the U.S. bishops conference in 1998 on the topic of technology, Geschke reportedly[p2] [a3]  veered wildly off topic to lecture his audience saying, “We as a religion have cut ourselves off from 50 percent of the population. I would never do that in running my business. As a Catholic, I want to say this to the hierarchy – make women much more essential in what you do. It will be essential as we enter the 21st century.” While the statement only hinted at Catholic teaching on women’s ordination, Geschke made his dissent clear and public during his subsequent interview with the National Catholic Reporter.  Asked if he was speaking about female priests, Geschke said, “Absolutely. I think women should have a coequal status in the hierarchy of the Church with men.”
Link (here) to read the full report at The Cardinal Newman Society.

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