1. There is only one Catholic Church. As the-
Bridegroom is One, the bride is one also.
There was only one Noah s ark, outside which no
one was saved at the Deluge ; there was only one
tabernacle constructed by Moses, only one Temple at
Jerusalem built by Solomon for sacrifice and for
worship ; only one Synagogue the sentences of which
were legal.
2. Outside the Church there is nothing good. Who
ever is not united with this mystical body will not
receive from its Head, Jesus Christ, Divine grace which
vivifies the soul and prepares it for everlasting life.
3. Laying aside all private judgment, we ought to
keep our minds prepared and ready to obey in all
things the true Spouse of Christ our Lord, which is our
holy mother, the Hierarchical Church.
4. All Jesus Christ s faithful people should cling to
the opinions of the Church, and consult her when they
meet with anything ambiguous or obscure.
5. Far from disapproving of what is the custom
among Catholics, we should always have reasons
ready to defend it.
6. In order to be free from all error, we should
conform our private way of looking at things to that
of the Church, so as to hold what seems to us white
to be black, if the Hierarchical Church pronounces
it so.
For this end we must be convinced that between
Christ our Lord, the Bridegroom, and the Church, His
bride, there is one and the same spirit, which governs
and directs us to the salvation of our souls ; and that
our holy mother the Church is guided and ruled by the
same Spirit and Lord that gave the Ten Commandments.
Link (here) to the book entitled The Spirit of St. Ignatius translated from the original French by Francis Xavier, S.J.
Photo (source)
I love this portrait of Ignatius...
ReplyDeleteThank you for this posting. I needed it ;)