Friday, May 25, 2012

Not Shocked

“Georgetown is the oldest Catholic university in the country. Part of Catholic identity is to be in union with the bishops,” Cardinal Dolan said. 
“When they would invite someone that is so dramatically at odds with one of the central tenets of the faith, that does bother us,” Dolan said. “We’re disappointed [about the invitation], but we’re not shocked. Because unfortunately some of our Catholic universities — thank God not many — have been moving toward a more secular model, 
where they would take their cues from what’s happening in contemporary events instead of the timeless wisdom of the church. I’m afraid that’s what might be happening here.”
Link (here) to The Cardinal Newman Society
You can watch the video of Cardinal Dolan’s comments  (here)


  1. A little late in the game for this...

  2. "Timeless wisdom of the Church"? How about the wisdom of engaging in free inquiry so that one's faith is a mature and informed one?

  3. some of the guys featured on your blog in the past are back in the news:

  4. It was not too late in the game. There was enough feedback from the Catholic community for Georgetown to make a change of plans. We are not dealing with childeren here. It was a profound defiant action by the university.

  5. "engaging in free inquiry so that one's faith is a mature and informed one"?

    Unfortunately that's how one can lose their faith. There is a story about Adam and Eve that illustrates such engagement.

  6. Anonymous @ May 25, 2012 9:46 PM

    Cardinal Dolan's remarks came AFTER the scandal of Sebelius' speech had been delivered. Hence, his remarks were needed prior to Sebelius' speech. We did not expect anything from Cardinal Wuerl and we did not get anything. There are no words strong enough to denounce the mendacity and evil that abounds at Georgetown.

    We are in the midst of warfare. This battle being waged against the Church will not be won with milk toast and half truths. It requires real men, with backbone, true soldiers for Christ. If our Shepherds cannot stand up to a commencement speech debacle, we are in serious danger. What lies ahead, like our Churches being vandalized--and they will be vandazlied--that is next, will make the Sebelius betrayal at Georgetown look like gouter at the Convent of the Sacred Heart on a quiet, sunlit day in Spring.

  7. "engaging in free inquiry so that one's faith is a mature and informed one"?

    Unfortunately that's how one can lose their faith.

    Do not diminish the wonders of the individual with their talents and brains to have strong faith. If you lose your faith through inquiry etc. then so be it. Better than a false shallow faith.

  8. So if the remarks came BEFORE the scandal, that would have changed things? Do you think the university would have changed it's plans based on a Bishop's statement? Everyone, including the university, knew before the commencement that this was an act of defiance.

    As hard as it is for alums to accept, the Bishop's already know that this university is no longer 'Catholic'.

  9. So if the remarks came BEFORE the scandal, that would have changed things? Do you think the university would have changed it's plans based on a Bishop's statement? Everyone, including the university, knew before the commencement that this was an act of defiance.

    As hard as it is for alums to accept, the Bishop's already know that this university is no longer 'Catholic'.

  10. "Do not diminish the wonders of the individual with their talents and brains to have strong faith."

    I don't believe the statement above is a Christian concept.

  11. So if the remarks came BEFORE the scandal, that would have changed things

    Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta reminded us that "we are called to be faithful, not successful", right? We defend the faith, no matter the outcome! Canon law tells us that the responsibility of a Bishop "is firmly to defend the integrity and unity of the faith to be believed." It doesn't say: defend the faith if you think you'll achieve your intended objective. We will never know what impact Cardinal Dolan's defense of the faith ( or Wuerl's) might have had. They did not make the case. Your argument that the Bishops know that Georgetown is no longer Catholic is correct; however, we might ask how that came to be. I would say that forty plus years of deafening silence and cowardice have led us here. The crosier that a Bishop carries is defined thusly: CROSIER. An ornamental staff shaped like a shepherd's crook. It may be held or carried by bishops, mitered abbots, and other privileged prelates. It symbolizes a bishop's role as CARETAKER OF HIS FLOCK. They were used to keep the flock in tact and protect it from the WOLVES. I didn't know this until I read Fr. Hardon: sheep will literally walk right off a cliff if not guided and protected.

  12. "Do not diminish the wonders of the individual with their talents and brains to have strong faith."

    "I don't believe the statement above is a Christian concept."

    Then you don't honor the dignity of the individual. That seems unChristian.

  13. Individuals have been experimenting with their passions since the 60's. They've had free reign to experiment with their anti-christian thoughts. If your theory was correct, the catholic faith would be flourishing in the US, our universities would be faithful to the church, vocations would be plentiful, our streets would be safe...etc. Your theory is incorrect.

  14. The church should cut ties with these so-called catholic universities.

  15. "Experimenting w/their passions."

    What does that mean? That is not what this is about.

  16. "What does that mean?"

    End of discussion.

  17. The discussion is not over when you decide it is over.


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