Thursday, May 3, 2012

America Magazine Throws a Grenade

I was hesitant to post this interview because the grenade throwers who tend to comment on this blog will have plenty of  ammunition, but Dan Savage’s sincerity in his essay about the death of his mother and his relationship with the Catholic Church is worth sharing. 
For those who don’t know, Savage is a gay rights activist and sex columnist who was the inspiration behind the It Gets Better project, a YouTube campaign aimed at preventing young adult suicide and curbing bullying. 
Savage was in the news this week for his talk to college journalists about bullying during which he said that the bible’s condemnation of homosexuality must go the way of its condemnation of shellfish.
Link (here) to America Magazine to read the full post.


  1. what do you expect with martin and

  2. Americans for Truth About Homosexualtiy ( Mr. Savage "Savaging the Pope" (is this really his last name? God does have a sense of humor, doesn't He?) @:

    Said Mr. Savage: "What the pope is saying [regarding the threat of "gay marriage"] is that the only thing that stands between my [d**k] and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper."

    Fr. James Marin SJ in support of the It Gets Better Project @

    "...without chastity there cannot be selfless charity, or even the most fundamental practice of justice towards other people.

    As history proves, unchastity is the seed-bed of unkindness, of uncharity, of injustice, and even of cruelty.

    Can anyone doubt that the most difficult virtue we have to practice in life in unselfish love. Unchastity is selfish self-love. Thus masturbation is selfish. Fornication is selfish. Contraception is selfish. Homosexuality is selfish. Adultery is selfish.

    What is at the root of legalized homicide, whether as abortion, infanticide, or so-called euthanasia? It is selfish self-love. How can this criminal self-love be mastered? Only by the practice of chastity...It is no coincidence, but profoundly true, that the first two capital sins are pride and lust. They go together as cause and effect, and they work mutually...Pride leads to lust and lust leads to pride.
    Sex Perversion and Cruelty
    The sexual drive is so powerful that nothing but selfless generosity, inspired by divine grace, can curb its imperious drive to use others for one's own gratification. Unchastity is inspired by an egoism that borders on self-idolatry. The urge to sexual pleasure, unless controlled, is not satisfied with venereal satisfaction. It wants the pleasure of enjoying the pain of its victims as witnessed by the crimes in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps."

    One of my Jesuit confreres, with whom I studied in Rome, was one of the few survivors of four and a half years at Auschwitz. He told me that, without exception the Nazi troopers, both men and women, who extorted the most horrendous suffering from their prison victims, were sexual perverts. They derived what may be called diabolical pleasure from subjecting the prisoners to the most inhuman sufferings. Killing these victims in the gas chambers and then burning their bodies in furnaces was only the end point of the most cruel infliction of pain on their enslaved victims. As my Jesuit companion told me, the sex mania of their Nazi jailers drove them to the limit of demonic mysticism in enjoying the agony of those whom we casually say were exterminated by the agents of Hitler."

    Who will silence the sodomists at America Magazine?

  3. Oh Maria, you "Clever Trevor," i.e., posting the words of the Fr. Hardon--protector of a sexual abuser--without crediting him for his bon mots.

  4. Can anyone doubt that the most difficult virtue we have to practice in life in unselfish love?

  5. Maria - why are you so hate filled?

  6. maria maria maria maria maria when will you wake up ?

  7. Anonymous said...
    what do you expect with martin and

    I expect the best ! thank god for them! and Savage !

  8. Oh, but I used to be sound asleep...I am WIDE awake ;)

  9. i doubt that maria if you were wide awake you would be filled with the love of all mankind and not spew and hate on others . Fr martin gives hope to many catholics especially young ones who feel betrayed from a church that needs to get its act together for the 21st century . you know maria the bells of saint marys was a movie and even Notre Dame ministers to gay and lesbian students some are even athletes !
    are you really happy maria ? what makes you really happy ? attacking someones last name? was that neccesary ?

  10. Their is no charity in confirming others in their sin, Clement. Fr. Martin has could care less about the state of your soul or anyone else's. His raison d'etre is to, well, see sodomy made a sacrament in the Catholic Church. OK. Let us, however, not confuse this endeavor with the mission of the office of the sacred Priesthood conferred by Christ. The notion that we are all filled w/ hate because we subscribe to the teachings of the Church is outrageous and preposterous. The "hate argument" is now rather hackneyed. Find another tactic. We are not buying in these parts. They sell it, though, at America Mag. Have at it. They will sell you all the lies you want.

    PS Attacking Fr. Martin? It is the other way around. It is Fr. Martin who attacks the Bride of Christ. As the Father General has no interest in reining him in and as there seems to be no one in the Church willing and/or able to silence him, the laity is forced to work over time. Trust me. I would much rather spend my time on other things.

  11. as there seems to be no one in the Church willing and/or able to silence him, the laity is forced to work over time. Trust me. I would much rather spend my time on other things.

    Egads--this is one crazy lady to watch.

  12. Right. We're crazy, but Catholic priests who support sodomy are...what? Level headed? Spiritually integrated? Blessed by God? Lots of luck w/ that argument, my friend...

  13. Support sodomy? What do you mean?


    SUPPORT(1) : to promote the interests or cause of (2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right : advocate (3) : to argue or vote for b (1) : assist, help (2) : to act with (a star actor) (3) : to bid in bridge so as to show support for

    SODOMY: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal

    I suspect that even Fr. Martin would draw a line in the sand where bestiality was concerned. I am in no way suggestimg that he advocated besitality.

  15. Maria wrote "SODOMY: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal"

    Wow--better get busy rooting out all the heterosexuals.

  16. MERRIAM WEBSTER PROVIDES US W/ THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS. I WILL LEAVE IT TO YOU TO DETERMINE HOW AND IN WHAT MANNER FR. MARTIN "SUPPORTS SODOMY": SUPPORT(1) : to promote the interests or cause of (2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right : advocate (3) : to argue or vote for b (1) : assist, help (2) : to act with (a star actor) (3) : to bid in bridge so as to show support for SODOMY: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal I suspect that even Fr. Martin would draw a line in the sand where bestiality was concerned. I am in no way suggestimg that he advocated besitality.


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