Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Abortion Supporter To Speak At Loyola Marymount University’s Law School

Loyola Marymount University’s Law School in Los Angeles has invited Judge Mary Margaret McKeown of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to speak at its commencement ceremony on May 20. Her nomination by President Bill Clinton was, according to The Seattle Times, strongly opposed by conservatives because of her support of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. According to the Times, “McKeown also expressed her pro-choice views on abortion by signing a resolution urging the American Bar Association to support Roe v. Wade.”
Link (here) to read the full report at The Cardinal Newman Society

1 comment:

  1. Petition to Georgetown President DeGioia

    Dear President DeGioia:

    It has come to the attention of The Cardinal Newman Society and the following signers that U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been granted the honor of speaking at the commencement ceremony for Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute on Friday, May 18.We strongly urge you to withdraw the invitation to Secretary Sebelius immediately.

    It is scandalous and outrageous that America's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university has elected to provide this prestigious platform to a publicly "pro-choice" Catholic who is most responsible for the Obama administration's effort to restrict the Constitution's first freedom -- the right to free exercise of religion -- while threatening the survival of many Catholic and other religious colleges and universities, schools, charities, hospitals and other apostolates.

    Georgetown insults all Americans by this honor. The selection is especially insulting to faithful Catholics and their bishops, who are engaged in the fight for religious liberty and against abortion. The contrast is stark between Georgetown University and those faithful Catholic colleges and universities that have stood for faith and freedom.


    Patrick J. Reilly



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