Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fordham Student Disses Cardinal Dolan

Joseph Amodeo is a student at Fordham University and states he is a member of the Xavier Mission, Which is a Jesuit ministry of  The Church of St Francis Xavier.

A day before Easter, the head of New York's Roman Catholic archdiocese faced a challenge to his stance on g@y rights: the resignation of a church charity board member who says he's "had enough" of the cardinal's attitude.
Joseph Amodeo told The Associated Press on Saturday that he quit the junior board of the city's Catholic Charities after Cardinal Timothy Dolan failed to respond to a "call for help" for homeless youths who are not heterosexual. 
"As someone who believes in the message of love enshrined in the teachings of Christ, I find it disheartening that a man of God would refuse to extend a pastoral arm" to such youths, Amodeo said in his letter to the charitable organization last Tuesday.
 Link (here) to The Church Report

The Church's teaching on the subject:   


  1. Only a priest configured to Christ could have responded to the kind of hubris Mr. Siciliano displayed, with the restraint that Card. Dolan did:

    Said the Cardinal to Mr. Siciliano:

    "For you to make the allegations and insinuations you do in your letter based on my adherence to the clear teachings of the Church is not only unfair and unjust, but inflammatory," Dolan wrote. "Neither I nor anyone in the Church would ever tolerate hatred of or prejudice towards any of the Lord's children."

    The Catholic Church is always, but always, first in line to help those no one else wants to help and to love those who have been unloved. Mr. Siciliano is not interested in that story. It does not fit his victim narrative, intended solely for the purposes of subverting the teachings of the Church. Mr. Siciliano is young. He will soon learn that the Catholic Church does not reinvent itself at the behest of bullies. Mercy, Pope John Paul II advised us, is "love coping with evil".

  2. Here is a little sampler from the bulltin at St Francis Xavier Churhc NYC:

    Meets every Monday at 7 pm.
    Newcomers are welcome. Introductory instruction available.
    Contact Peggy & Paul Schubert at 212-260-2486 or

    Men meet monthly on the first and third Fridays in a welcoming, affirming environment to address gay Catholic life and how best to live authentically our commitment to the Gospel.
    Regular meetings are held in the Mary Chapel at 7PM. Please enter at 55 W. 15th Street.
    Contact for more information.

    Practicing Catholics and non-practicing, the religious and not-so-religious—all are welcome. Our mission is to provide a safe place for gay women to come together and discuss issues related to spirituality, identity and community. Led and organized by parishioners, we have been meeting at the Church of St. Francis Xavier for more than twelve years on the second Friday of every month at 55 W. 15th St., West Room, second floor.
    Contact (917) 297-6804.

    Silly me. Here I was thinking we were all , you know , Roman Catholics. So yesterday, huh?

    No need to worry your pretty little head about sin anymore, Zazen takes care of everything now! Who knew? I guess that is why we only need Confession one hour a week now. Whew! That’s good to know.

    From the St Francis Xavier Church Bulletin

    Speaker Series 2012
    Living the Way
    Anthony de Mello, SJ.
    May 2nd
    7:00 pm
    Mary Chapel
    On May 2nd at 7:00 PM
    James Dolan, SJ will spend the evening sharing about Anthony de Mello, SJ. De DeMello denied the Divinity of Christ, but why quibble over details, right?

    May 4th~LGBT Anniversary Mass
    7:00 pm - Main Church

    When Art and the Sacred Collide
    Wednesday, April 25th
    6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
    Camile Paglia
    University of the Arts, Philadelphia

    Paglia has celebrated Madonna and taken radical libertarian positions on controversial social issues such as abortion, homosexuality and drug use. But, were down with that now, right?

    And Father James Martin SJ wonders why people are, you know, “upset” in the blogosphere. Can't imagine why, Padre. Haven't a clue.

  3. I knew I forgot something--one more item:

    Pink Smoke Over the Vatican @ ST FRANCIS XAVIER NYC A Documentary by Julie Hart about women seeking ordination

    Tuesday, April 10
    7:00 PM —9:00 PM
    Mary Chapel

    Seating is limited, so you must RSVP to

    or (917) 297-6804. The speaker series is free and open to the public,though freewill donations are accepted.

  4. "Restraint"? Can't he take a little criticism?

    We don't have royalty in the good old USA--nor do we in the Church.

    The parish looks like a welcoming place--certainly better than the narrow-minded parishes that only work on re-criminalizing abortion and opposing gay marriage.

  5. Thank God for the Catholic Bishops. Can't imagine what life would be like if the State had there way with everything (although they've had their way recently). It seems to me that the Bishops are the only folks fighting for the truth at this time. It's interesting how the mainstream media keeps this battle so quiet. I suspect that if the State wins, the media will want everyone dancing in the streets; if the faithful win then you'll be able to hear a pin drop and the State will ramp-up another attack. Let's pray for the Bishops and all of the Church at this most critical time for our country.

  6. "It seems to me that the Bishops are the only folks fighting for the truth at this time."

    What about lay Catholics? Priests and nuns? People of good will? No need to be a sycophant.

  7. It is possible for both to be wrong.

    That is, neither might reflect God's values. The idea that "God is Love" is popular in many circles, but it really reflects the values of those who hold that belief. Yet such a perspective oversimplifies God's values, and very mistaken in that oversimplification. Such a position can be correctly described as evil in its removal of judgment.

    There are many positions that are similar oversimplifications. They can also be classified as evil, in that they are abhorrent in the eyes of God.

  8. "What about lay Catholics? Priests and nuns? People of good will?"

    Yea, what about them? I go to church every week and the only communication on these matters came in the form of a single letter from our bishop stuffed in the bulletin. If the lay Catholics, Priests, and nuns would step up their game, I honestly believe these critical issues would be resolved quickly.

    Sycophant? Please, let's not resort to name calling, and let's not show off our vocabulary skills.

  9. "If the lay Catholics, Priests, and nuns would step up their game. . ."

    Indeed--we need you at our Voice of the Faithful meetings.


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