Fr. James V. Schall, S.J. |
Many Catholics profess to be surprised by this sudden drawing of the
logical conclusion to what Mary Ann Glendon called “rights talk.” Many Catholics so want “rights” to mean what they claim it means that they
blind themselves to what the intellectual history of the word does mean
and imply by this enigmatic term. All through recent decades, the
provisions of freedom of speech and freedom of religion have been used
against the Church. It was held to be against free speech and free
religion. The irony today is that it is the Church that finds itself
appealing to these standards over against an administration which claims
the same standards. The decrees that the Church finds contrary to
“rights” are precisely the ones said to be based on “rights”—abortion,
contraception, sterilization, gay marriage, the works. Numerous writers in recent years have pointed to the decay of the
American family. Since the time of Aristotle’s response to Plato’s famous proposal of communality of wives and children, the family has
been looked on as a bulwark, not enemy, of the political order. But
there has always been in modern utopian and Marxist thought a strand
that saw the elimination of the family as the key to a successful social
order. What would take the place of the family?–schools, health
agencies, bureaucratic employment institutions, welfare under another
name. Most of these extreme notions are proposed in the name of common
good and human dignity.
Link (here) to Crisis Magazine to the full article by Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.
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