Friday, March 9, 2012

Priest Terminated At Boston College

American priest Father John Shea's contract at the Jesuit-run Boston College has been terminated because of his insistence that women should be allowed to enter the priesthood, said a report on students are protesting the decision by the college to not renew the contract of the adjunct professor in its School of Theology and Ministry, who has openly questioned why the Church won't ordain women, reports The Boston College mission statement on its website talks about the Jesuit foundation of the school that makes it unique. It reads: "No other institution so explicitly embodies the fundamental human desire to know." But after Fr Shea, a professor of pastoral care and counseling, asked church leaders for a theological explanation for why women are not being ordained to the priesthood of the Catholic church, he was let go, the report said. Fr Shea will leave his position at the end of this semester. He refused to comment. The school says, as a matter of policy, it does not discuss personnel decisions.
Link (here) to Cath News


  1. So much for "the desire to know." Too bad about Fr. Shea--his perspective is needed now more than ever.

  2. There are some good things happening! Deo gratias.

  3. Yeah, now if we can just get all the people fired who disagree with us our victory we be complete.

  4. John Shea is one of the more amazing people I've ever met, and his teachings made me believe in God (5 day workshop, incredible).... Something the catholic church did not succeed in doing in all my years in an Irish catholic school. He is an inspiration


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