Friday, March 16, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Another Jesuit educated apostate lead the charge against the Church.

    O'Malley to speak at conference for gay and lesbian Catholics
    Cardinal warns that ministry 'in no manner' speaks for church

    March 14, 2012|By Matthew Hay Brown, The Baltimore Sun

    Gov. Martin O'Malley, who continues to campaign for same-sex marriage in advance of a likely referendum aimed at overturning the law he signed this month, will speak Friday at a conference in Baltimore for gay and lesbian Catholics.

    Also scheduled to appear at the conference organized by the Maryland-based New Ways Ministry are Barbara Johnson, who was denied Communion at her mother's funeral Mass in Gaithersburg last month because she is a lesbian; former Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who has written a book critical of church involvement in politics; and Geoffery Robinson, a retired Catholic bishop from Australia.


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