Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jesuit Shares Concerns With The Bishops

Last month, a large number of faculty and staff at a Jesuit college signed a public letter urging the university’s president to accept the Obama administration’s compromise on contraception coverage and asking him to push  Roman Catholic bishops to do the same. Now, the president of John Carroll University, Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., has responded with an open letter of his own to the John Carroll community, saying he shares the “concerns” of the bishops. It’s hardly the most strongly worded letter and it seems most concerned with calling for civility, though it’s unclear whom he believes is being uncivil.
Link (here) to the Cardinal Newman Society


  1. You can read about John Carroll's
    "Center for Diversity and Inclusion" here:

    Some of their on campus resources include a library which carries the following publications:

    Advocate (Lesbian)
    Out (Gay)
    The Gay Chronicle

    One of the organizstions they list on their site: Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

    They also provide a glossary of terms "to help the JCU community become familiar with the language and concepts of diversity and social justice work". Included in the list are the following:

    Heterosexism: a system of advantage based on sexual orientation; predominately favoring individuals who identify as heterosexual

    Homophobia: An irrational fear, dislike or intolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people or feelings.

    Transphobia: an irrational fear, dislike or intolerance for trangender individuals or individuals who express their gender identity differently than the dominant culture.

    WOW. College look complicated these days, huh?

    New Ways Ministry lists John Carroll as "gay friendly".

    A rather mixed message that we have here.

  2. I attended a funeral Mass for an old professor of mine at JCU a few years back. The Mass was held across the street at Gesu. The celebrating priests if I recall were from both JCU and Gesu. It was like a scene out of A Chorus Line. That the Church continues to spew stuff about not wanting priests with homosexual tendencies is an absolute farce. If the priests on the altar that day were 'gay but celibate' then I'm the Virgin Mary.


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