Monday, March 26, 2012

Italian Jesuit In Communion Controversy

Fr. Franco Annicchiarico, S.J.
.....celebration of Mass in the Chapel of La Sapienza University of Rome (photo), run by the Jesuits ( ): The celebration was chaired by the Deputy Chaplain, Father Franco Annicchiarico, S.J...... while I was still kneeling, the celebrant has shunned me wandering and began to distribute Communion to the other. After a second of dismay I got up and went to sit on the front bench. Needless to say my dismay and my desolation: "To refuse communion because I showed devotion to the Holy Eucharist, as if I were a heretic, an excommunicated, which gives a public scandal! It allows the communion to practicing homosexuals, and even full-blown and you deny me just because I knelt down! "
Link (here) to the Italian blog Messa en Latino to read the full post.
Blogger Note: Website is in Italian use translation tool.

1 comment:

  1. This Jesuit should get down oh his knees and thank the good Lord that Fr. John Hardon SJ is in Heaven. Were he alive, he would, no doubt, be on plane to hunt him down and provide some personal instruction on the Real Presence. We can be certain of one thing: Fr Hardon surely earned his Heaven, putting up with the likes of this infidel. Can we be certain that this poor young man is not irreparably damaged by the faithlessness of this priest?


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