Monday, February 6, 2012

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. Great Indulgence

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.
The devotion of Pius IX., to St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. is still in the recollection of all. He appointed his feast-day for the ceremony of his coronation, and every year on June 21st sent precious gifts to the tomb of the Saint where he was often seen kneeling in prayer. In an audience granted to the German college in the November of 1873, the venerable pontiff recommended to the students devotion towards our Saint in these words: 
"I still remember," he said, "with what deep emotion I read in my youth the life of the angelic young man and how many tears I shed over it. Read, my sons, the life of this Saint, not only to rejoice in the sweet odour of his virtues, but to emulate them, and to grow like him in the perfect love of God." 
In a decree of June 4th 1861 the Holy Father enriched the devotion of the Chapels called "le Cappellette" of Saint Aloysius with great indulgences; and, on the 25 th of July 1861, he issued a decree granting to all priests, permission to say the votive Mass of the Saint in the Church of S. Ignatius, on all days, except Feasts of the first and second class, when white vestments could be used in the Church. The splendid Brief of our glorious reigning Pontiff Leo XIII. shows beyond a doubt that His Holiness is behind none of his illustrious predecessors in devotion to S. Aloysius and zeal for his honour.
Link (here) to the book entitled Life of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga By Italian Jesuit Fr. Virgilio Cepari, S.J.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a bit of interesting if not good, news.


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