Monday, January 30, 2012

Zags Learning About Business, Ethics, And Life From Billionaire Warren Buffett

Warren Buffet with President Obama
Twenty Gonzaga University entrepreneurship students will spend a day this fall in Omaha learning about business, ethics, and life from billionaire Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha," one of the most innovative and influential business leaders in the world. Buffett is chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, an Omaha-based conglomerate of more than 70 companies with nearly a quarter-million employees that also invests in numerous companies and investment vehicles. Buffett invites a select number of universities to Omaha every year. Todd FinkleGonzaga’s Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurship, initiated the visit with the assistance of Paul Buller, the School of Business Administration’s Kinsey-Robinson Professor of Business Management. Finkle wrote an in-depth case study on Buffett and Berkshire before coming to Gonzaga. Buffett read the case and invited Finkle and 27 students from University of Akron, where Finkle taught before coming to Gonzaga. They spent a day in Omaha at Berkshire Hathaway’s world headquarters and two of his subsidiaries.
Link (here) to
Read about Warren Buffets Support of Planned Parenthood and Catholics for Choice (here)


  1. Catholic Relief Services Forms Partnership With Death Peddlers

    By Randy Engel, Director, U.S. Coalition for Life

    The CCHD scandal is about the USCCB GIVING Money to the Death Peddlers

    The CRS scandal is about the USCCB TAKING Money from the Death Peddlers

    Now, let’s turn our attention to the anti-life organization, services and research funded with the Warren Buffett billions:

    · Buffett money has funded important clinical trials for RU-486, (Mifepristone/Mifeprex), the so-called “abortion pill,” putting the lethal drug on the fast track in the U.S. and abroad.

    · Two million dollars to Family Health International helped finance mass experimental sterilization programs in third world countries using the dangerous chemical quinacrine hydrochloride. The drug is banned in the U.S. and Canada.

    · Population Communications International – Specializes in population control propaganda for mass media.

    German Foundation for World Population – Population control programs directed at youth “as agents of change.”
    International Projects Assistance Services – Promotes sexual and reproductive rights. Buffett gave IPAS $20,000,000 for the manufacturer and distribution of manual abortion suction pumps for use in poor countries.
    · Population Council – $3,500,000. One of the oldest population control and abortion research agencies in the United States.

    · Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice – $700,000. Recruits and engages churches and clergy in supporting abortion rights.

    · NARAL – $1,500,000. A promoter of abortion rights in the United States.

    · Catholics for a Free Choice – $485,000. Money used to challenge and undermine Catholic opposition to abortion.

    · Center for Reproductive Rights – $737,000. Carries out pro-abortion litigation. Helped strike down Nebraska's ban on partial-birth abortion/infanticide.

    · National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy – $250,000. A pro-abortion group that targets teens.

    · Family Health International – $20,000,000. Specializes in mass sterilization and abortifacients and “menstrual regulation” kits and abortion vacuum aspirators.

    · Family Care International – Promotes abortion and mass population control projects.

    · Pathfinder International – $582,000. Promotes abortion rights and services.

    · Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation – Provides millions of dollars for abortion rights groups including many of the above groups.

    · Access Project – $496,000. Promotes abortion rights and services.

    · GIRE – $485,000. Promotes abortion rights and services in Mexico.

    The record is clear – the hands of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett are soaked with the innocent blood of millions of unborn children.

    Well, thank God for small favors. We were at least spared the phony
    "pro-life" videos this year. How can the Bishops now cry over Obama's recent decision w/ regard to conscience protections. We can't even police ourselves. We should not be surprised.

  2. 01/27/2012
    U.S.: Battle over objection dossier drives Obama away from the Vatican

    This an interesting article.


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