Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fr. Norris Seenivasen, S.J. On Liberals And Conservatives

Hans Kung, Jacques Dupuis, and Joseph Ratzinger died and stood before the pearly gates of heaven. Before they can enter heaven, they must be cross-examined by Jesus.

“The first one to go was Hans Kung, the theologian who questioned Papal Infallibility. Jesus and Kung talked for 12 hours. Then Kung came out and said, ‘Jesus convinced me that my way of thinking was not right.” And he entered heaven.

The second one to go was Jacques Dupuis, the theologian who says that all religions are equal paths to God. Jesus and Dupuis talked for 24 hours. Then Dupuis came out and said, “Jesus convinced me that my way of thinking was not right.” And he entered heaven.
Joseph Ratzinger was listening to the debates between Jesus and Kung and Dupuis. He has his briefcase of notes. Then his turn came. Jesus and Ratzinger talked for 48 hours. Then Jesus came out and said, “Ratzinger convinced me that my way of thinking was not right.”
Link (here) to read the full piece at The Monks Hobbit.

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