Thursday, January 12, 2012


Cardinal O’Malley is working to stoke the embers of spiritual revival in Boston. He has obviously made it a top priority to revive the archdiocesan seminary, and he is justly proud of a new bumper-crop of young men studying for the priesthood. Yet even for that impressive achievement, one must add an asterisk. 
To pay the cost of sex-abuse settlements, the archdiocese sold most of the acreage around St. John’s seminary to Boston College, a liberal Jesuit institution with enormous public influence and little love for the traditional teachings of the Church. 
So the young men now crowding into the archdiocesan seminary find themselves quite literally surrounded by the influence of secular liberalism. Perhaps that is just as well, because the priests who lead the Church in Boston in coming decades will find themselves regularly facing an adversary culture, in a city where Catholicism was once dominant.
Link (here) to Crisis Magazine


  1. BC and has little love for the traditions of the church? Aren't the Jesuits a huge part of these traditions? Where does this bizarre comment come from?
    Sounds pretty paranoid. Maybe somebody out there doesn't love the Jesuits.

  2. Huh? Did you ever hear the joke about the franciscan, the jesuit, the ferrari, and the novena? Ah, that's a classic.

    Show me where the jesuits @ bc have love of tradition.


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