Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fr. Ulf Jonsson, S.J. On Tomas Tranströmer

Tomas Tranströmer,
L’Osservatore Romano has published an article in praise of Tomas Tranströmer, the winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Literature. Father Ulf Jonsson’s tribute to Tranströmer’s work follows an assessment written by Claudio Toscani in the newspaper’s October 8 edition. Father Jonsson, a Jesuit philosophy professor, says that Tranströmer’s writings “are permeated with a sense of mystery and openness to the infiniteness of another world, shining through his metaphors taken from everyday life.” The newspaper’s tributes to Tranströmer echo its praise of the 2010 laureate, Mario Vargas Llosa, and stand in contrast to its criticism of the 1997 and 1998 laureates, Dario Fo and Jose Saramago. 
Link (here) to Catholic Culture

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